Some new PlayStation 4 game screenshots have come out, post Monday’s SCEJA Press Conference. All three sets come from the Game Software page on the PlayStation 4 section of the Japanese official PlayStation website.
- Dream Club: Host Girls on Stage (PS4) – 3 screenshots
- Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends (PS4, PS3, PSV) – 3 screenshots
- Wonder Flick (PS4, XBO, PS3, 360, Wii U, PSV, Mobile) – 3 screenshots
A note about Dream Club: Host Girls on Stage
This is listed on the site as “stage show appreciation software” set to debut before the fifth Dream Club game.
In the trailer released on Monday, the gray-haired receptionist mentions Dream Club‘s fifth outing to be a PlayStation 3 title (Host Girls on Stage is the fourth game—and download-only at that).
Of course, the manager interrupts and says not to go announcing hardware so suddenly. And the receptionist ends it by saying they’ll forget about it anyway.
That said, it’s likely the next major Dream Club game is a PlayStation 3 title.