Reported leaks from this month’s issue of V-Jump have come out of Chinese forum A9VG. Considering it’s not one of our usual sources for this type of early information, take the following information with a grain of salt until confirmed.
Here’s what the magazine reportedly confirms the following Japanese releases:
- Dragon Quest X: The Sleeping Hero and the Guiding Sworn Friend Online Expansion Disc (Wii, Wii U, PC) – December 12 for 3,980 yen
- Dragon Quest Monsters 2 (3DS) – January 30 for 5,490 yen
- Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster (PS3, PSV) – December 19 for 7,980 yen on PlayStation 3 / 4,480 yen each on PS Vita
- Summon Night 5 (PS3) – No date
Stay tuned. If true, it’s possible we’ll hear confirmation in Famitsu this week.