PS VitaPS311 years ago0J-Stars Victory VS trailer ‘August 22 version’Namco Bandai has released a new trailer for J-Stars Victory VS.
PS3PS4Xbox 360Xbox One11 years ago0Destiny Gamescom screenshotsActivision and Bungie sent out 10 new screenshots of its upcoming PlayStation 4, Xbox One, …
PS311 years ago0Dark Souls II PlayStation 3 closed beta coming OctoberNamco Bandai will host a PlayStation 3 closed beta test for Dark Souls II in …
PS VitaPS3PS4Wii UXbox 360Xbox One11 years ago0Screenshots: Thief, Assassin’s Creed IV, moreSome screenshots for your Wednesday.
PS VitaPS3Xbox 36011 years ago0Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z gameplay, screenshotsNamco Bandai has released a five-minute gameplay walkthrough and new screenshots of Dragon Ball Z: …
PS311 years ago0Atlus bringing AquaPazza to North AmericaAtlus is bringing AquaPlus’ 2D fighter AcquaPazza to PlayStation 3 in North America.
PS311 years ago0Onechanbara Z: Kagura With NoNoNo! Japanese box artAmazon Japan has revealed the Japanese box art for Onechanbara Z: Kagura With NoNoNo!, D3 …
PS311 years ago0Beyond: Two Souls has multiplayer, touchscreen modeBeyond: Two Souls will have a two-player co-op multiplayer mode where one person controls main …
Wii U11 years ago0Sonic Lost World Gamescom trailer, screenshotsSega has released the Gamescom trailer and screenshots for Sonic Lost World.
Wii U11 years ago0Super Smash Bros. for Wii U gets Metroid: Other M stageToday’s daily Super Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshot reveals a new stage: the Pyrosphere …
PCPS3Xbox 36011 years ago0Murdered: Soul Suspect Gamescom trailer, screenshotsSquare Enix and Airtight Games shared a new trailer and screenshots for Murdered: Soul Suspect …
PS411 years ago0Knack has local two-player co-op modeKnack will have a local co-op mode, Sony revealed at Gamescom.
3DSPS3PSPWiiWii U11 years ago0Media Create Sales: 8/12/13 – 8/18/13This week’s Media Create sales are in. Disney Magic Castle is on top for the …
PS311 years ago0Rain release date setRain, Sony Japan Studio’s PlayStation Network game from PlayStation C.A.M.P. and Acquire, will launch in …
PS411 years ago0inFAMOUS: Second Son ‘Taking Control’ dev diarySucker Punch Productions has released a new inFAMOUS: Second Son developer diary from Gamescom.