Ouya announces ‘Free the Games Fund’ initiative
Ouya giving creators money for six-month-timed exclusives.The Ouya company has announced a new initiative to help fund ambitious Kickstarter projects developed for Ouya.
Dubbed the “Free the Games Fund,” Ouya has set aside $1 million to fund projects launched after August 9, 2013 and ended by August 10, 2014. The game must be Ouya-exclusive for at least the first six months and have a budget of $50,000 or greater. Ouya will match 100 percent of the funds raised for the projects that successfully reach their goals, with a maximum of $250,000 per project. The Kickstarter project that raises the most during the campaign period will receive an additional $100,000.
Game creators can read up on further details at the campaign’s official website.