Help Capcom push for Ace Attorney 5 retail release
Physical release still possible, if demand calls for it.![](
If you want to see Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies release at retail, Capcom senior VP Christian Svensson suggests you help show there’s demand.
To do this, you can leave a message in this Capcom Unity thread, or mention you support to Svensson on Twitter. Svensson said he needs these requests to use as “additional ammo” to present to Capcom’s higher-ups.
“If things go well and demand is there, in a few weeks I may be able to present an option that puts the ball back in the fans’ court,” he said. “I want to stress the word “may” so as to not misrepresent the situation or promise anything. We are trying. Again, timing and pricing would be at a disadvantage to the digital option as an assumption you should make.”
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies is due out for 3DS on the Nintendo eShop this fall.