Thomas Was Alone creator teases new project for PS4
You could be playing it as early as next year.
Mike Bithell, creator of the recently released Thomas Was Alone on PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, is working on a new project for PlayStation 4.
“I do believe #Project2 is looking good enough to show to Sony tomorrow,” he said on Twitter last night.
In a separate tweet, he added, “You’ll know the success of this meeting in a year, when you are / are not playing it on your PS4.”
That meeting happened, and seems to have gone well. There may even be an Oculus Rift involved. [Update: Or perhaps no Oculus.]
“Really good chatting to the guys,” said Bithell, “and we even had a queue to try out my Oculus… if you’re an indie, get chatting with Sony now.”
Bithell also got to go hands-on with DualShock 4, which he said “feels tight, suits my hands, and is rather snazzy,” and that “they’ve also done something aesthetically that I’m not sure I’ve seen in images online which I really love.”
Thanks, NeoGAF.