Famitsuhas gone up with its online preview of Mind 0, Acquire‘s newly announced PS Vita RPG in joint development with Class of Heroes studio Zerodiv.
The “dark stylish” RPG is set in modern times where two worlds exist: the real world and the crazed spiritual world. Players are “MIND Users” who possess the unique ability to summon their Persona-like counterparts. Batles in Mind 0 are command-based, and make use of each characters’ MIND. Further details are still to be announced, but judging by the screenshots, we can see that it’s 3D, turn-based, and features manga-like sound pop-ups. Revealed characters so far include the cool protagonist Kei Takanashi, the athletic heroine Sana Chiaki, the cheerful dope Shishi Akihina, and the detective Youichi Okata.
View the first images below.