Luftrausers, the latest game from Super Crate Box developer Vlambeer, is coming to PlayStation 3 and PS Vita alongside its PC, Mac, and Linux releases this spring, the studio has announced.
The game, according to Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail, is one “about shooting airplanes that is fun, explosive and makes you feel like the best pilot in the world.”
Devolver Digital, who are also working with Dennaton Games to bring Hotline Miami to PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, will publish Luftrausers on PlayStation Network.
“It’s about being the best fighter pilot in the world. It’s about barely dodging that homing missile that would’ve ended your run just short of your high score,” added Ismail. ” It’s about finishing a minute-long tense battle with a huge airship. It’s a fighter jet crashing into a boat and sinking it. And most importantly, it’s about doing all of the above in the span of seconds, while pulling acrobatic moves with the best airplane in the world.”
Watch the debut trailer below.