3DS12 years ago6Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies screenshotsLevel-5 has released 47 new screenshots of Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies, Hershel Layton’s …
PS312 years ago10Mugen Souls Z special trailerCompile Heart has published a special trailer for Mugen Souls Z, introducing characters Surma, Nao, …
PS412 years ago74Nikkei: PS4 to utilize Gaikai, have expanded social featuresPlayStation 4 concept by Hesit8in. Another PlayStation 4 report is in from Nikkei.
PS Vita12 years ago5Tales of Hearts R Soma equipment videoThis week’s Tales of Hearts R gameplay video shows off the party’s Soma equipment. The …
12 years ago1Double Fine Adventure, The Cave coming to OuyaOuya will be the only console Double Fine’s Kickstarter-funded adventure game will see release on, …
PS3Xbox 36012 years ago15Destiny to be revealed “within a matter of weeks”Bungie’s new project Destiny, which will be published by Activision, will be revealed very soon, …
PCPS3Xbox 36012 years ago16Remember Me gameplay, screenshotsSeveral media outlets went live with new Remember Me previews, screenshots, and gameplay today. We’ve …
PCPS3Wii UXbox 36012 years ago4Assassin’s Creed III ‘Tyranny of King Washington’ DLC datedUbisoft has dated all three episodes of Assassin’s Creed III‘s upcoming ‘The Tyranny of King …
PCPS3Xbox 36012 years ago10Tomb Raider ‘Guide to Survival’ video, part twoSquare Enix and Crystal Dynamics have released part two of its Tomb Raider ‘Guide to …
PS3Xbox 36012 years ago30Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge PS3, Xbox 360 release date setTecmo Koei and Team Ninja have confirmed Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge for PlayStation 3 …
3DSPS312 years ago3Screenshots: Deadly Premonition, Disgaea D2, moreWe’ve added many new screenshots to our gallery today. Rather than spread them across four …
Xbox One12 years ago153Rumor: Next Xbox requires always-on internet, no used gamesNext Xbox concept. The next Xbox will require an internet connection in order the function …
3DSPS VitaPS3WiiWii U12 years ago24Media Create Sales: 1/28/13 – 2/3/13This week’s Media Create sales are in. Nintendo’s Animal Crossing: New Leaf remains on top …