PS2 game downloads coming to PS3 in Japan
Resident Evil, SIren, Contra, and more kick off service.
Sony will be adding PlayStation 2 classics to its “Game Archives” download porfolio in Japan. While western territories have been downloading classic PS2 titles for some time now, Japan has yet to be offered the service. That will change on July 25, when it goes live in the country.
Launch titles for the PS2 Game Archives include:
- Contra: Shattered Soldier (Konami) – 1,200 yen
- Dragon Force (Sega) – 800 yen
- Kessen (Tecmo Koei) – 1,500 yen
- Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Capcom) – 1,200 yen
- Siren (SCEJ) – 1,200 yen
Sony will release new titles once a month, including:
- Castlevania (Konami) – 1,200 yen
- Dark Cloud (SCEJ) – 1,200 yen
- Dead or Alive 2 (Tecmo Koei) – 1,500 yen
- Die Hard Arcade (Sega) – 800 yen
- Gunstar Heroes: Treasure Box (Sega) – 800 yen
Die Hard Arcade and Gunstar Heroes, specifically, will available in August and September, respectively.
A trailer for Dragon Force can be seen below.