Nintendo has detailed Lego City Undercover, its upcoming Wii U-exclusive crime game set in the open-world Lego City.
As undercover detective Chase McCain, armed with “clever disguises” equipped with their own unique abilities (firefighter, construction worker, etc.), players must bring an end to Rex Fury and his wave of crimes. Players will “run, drive, and even fly” through the “vast” Lego City, and use the Wii U GamePad as a police gadget to “scan for hidden clues and criminals, receive mission updates and place waypoints on an overhead city map that displays their position in real time.”
The game features over 100 vehicles to collect, which include sports cars, motorcycles, and aircraft, that can be used to explore the city. And as any Lego game, it promises not to hold back on the “humor and parody,” while adding fully voiced characters and “ambient crowds.”
View the first screenshots at the gallery. Watch the debut trailer below.
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