At E3 last year, Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello pledged support for Nintendo‘s new console, the Wii U. However, at this year’s expo, aside from a port of Mass Effect 3, not a single EA project was sighted. But there’s a lot to come, according to games label president Frank Gibeau.
“We’ve got a couple of more games in development for Wii U and we’ll have a bigger line-up for Wii U than we did on the Wii,” Gibeau told CVG.
“It is the first next-generation platform coming out so we’re really supporting it.
“Just looking at E3 and where we’re at, we wanted to hold our fire a little bit on a couple of the other games that we’re working on. We’ll have more announcements this summer on the rest of the Wii U line-up.”
Stay tuned.