Namco Bandai U.K. today launched a new Tales-focused community inspired project called ‘Your Tales of‘. It invites Tales fans to submit their most creative Tales fan work – whether it be fan-fiction, art, video, music, or cosplay – to be included in a 16-page, limited edition “Your Tales of” booklet which will be included free with NEO Magazine Isssue No. 101, due out on August 9.
The magazine will also feature a foreword from Tales series producer Hideo Baba.
“Tales of Graces f is set to launch in the UK in August 2012 and the storyline features a heavy focus on teamwork and friendship,” said Hollie Bennett, Community and Consumer PR Executive at Namco Bandai UK, “we realise a similar vibe exists in our Tales of community as they constantly work together to tell others how great Tales of games are. It’s through this commendable sense of community that ‘Your Tales of’ was born. We want to reward the fans for their loyalty and give them a voice.”
Access the ‘Your Tales of’ project here.