In Dragon’s Dogma, there is an old legend that tells of a powerful dragon, known as the Ur-Dragon, that appears in the Everfall beneath Gran Soren. This is the challenge in the newly revealed “Ur-Dragon” event mode.
Players and their parties can come together collectively online in an asynchronous encounter against the Ur-Dragon, and face off against the flying beast. The damage dealt by each party’s attacks will be combined, but its “immense strength” means multiple encounters are necessary to topple the dragon. The one to deliver the final blow will receive the “maximum reward,” though all players will receive both common and rare items, as well.
If you don’t want to play online, players can also take on the Ur-Dragon themselves, However, rewards for defeating the dragon are different.
If you’re able to take down the dragon, you’ll see your name and play time recorded in a hall of fame posted on the game’s leaderboards.
View a trailer for the Ur-Dragon challenge below, as well as the third developer video. View a set of screenshots at the gallery.