Publisher City Interactive and developer Deck13 have revealed Project RPG.
Due for release across PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in 2013, the project is headed by Tomasz Gop, former senior producer at The Witcher studio CD Projekt RED.
The game is set 1,000 years after the death of a God, whose corpse has become a mountain that divides the world in two, each side with their own philosophy. Players will cross the border between sides early on in the game, and must decide which to join. It is an action RPG with a focus on player skill and progression. Its story will mirror players’ actions and play style through its vision and ideologies.
Combat is said to be inspired by Dark Souls, Kingdoms of Amalur, and Batman: Arkham City. It will be an in-depth battle system, yet simple to grasp. Enemies will be recognized only be their behaviour and fighting.
A “New Game+” option was also confirmed.
Thanks, Digital Spy.