The latest entry in the Class of Heroes franchise is a reboot, per say. New Class of Heroes: Chrono Academy, due for PSP on July 19 in Japan, moves away from the series’ roots as a 3D dungeon RPG in trade for an open field RPG. Famitsu.com has gone live with its online preview of the game, providing us our first direct-feed look at the title.
The Tale of Three Transfer Students
New Class of Heroes follows the story of three transfer students at Chrono Academy.
Mauriat (CV: Satomi Sato)

Roge (CV: Asuka Ogame)

Cubit (CV: Iori Nomizu)

From Dungeon RPG to 3D Field RPG
As detailed earlier, New Class of Heroes abandons 3D dungeons for the field. A world map will allow players to enter fields, dungeons, and battle enemies.

Character Customization
Familiar components, such as character customization, are still present in New Class of Heroes.