Street Fighter producer hospitalized [Update]
Ono becomes ill after Asia promo event.
Update: We probably should’ve looked over Capcom‘s blog post ourselves, as EventHubs’ translation last night was a bit off. Yoshino Ono has indeed been hospitalized, but the situation is not as serious as it was made it out to be.
Capcom’s blog post reads: “Immediately following a Street Fighter X Tekken event in Asia, Street Fighter X Tekken producer [Yoshinori] Ono’s physical condition suddenly deteriorated and he fainted. He was taken to the hospital, and is currently not in the condition to return to the workplace. Fortunately, it was not very serious. Look forward to an easy recuperation.”
Original: Street Fighter X Tekken producer Yoshinori Ono was rushed to the hospital following a promotional event in Asia, Capcom has confirmed.
“I would like to bring something else to everyone’s attention. Shortly after the Street Fighter X Tekken promotion in Asia, Yoshinori Ono’s physical condition rapidly and heavily deteriorated, and he had to be taken to the hospital,” said Capcom on its official Street Fighter blog.
“Because of his hospital tenure he will not be performing work-related affairs for a while. Ono’s well-being is very important to us and we wish for his steady recovery.”
No details were released as to what exactly is wrong with Ono. However, whatever it may be, we wish him the best in his recovery. You should, too.
Thanks, EventHubs.