Just Add Water in talks with “two or three” publishers for Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath XBLA
Next update most likely by Easter.
Xbox 360 consumers hoping to get their hands on Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD may have hope yet. While Just Add Water has gone “dry” in regards to self-publishing or having Microsoft publish the game on Xbox LIVE Arcade, it is currently in talks with “two or three” third-party publishers about getting it on the platform.
“We’ve basically run everything dry in terms of going some kind of first-party route with Microsoft, be it them publishing it or be it us publishing it ourselves, so we’re now having to go down the third-party route,” Just Add Water CEO Stewart Gilray told VG247.
“We’re speaking to two or three different publishers at the moment about taking it on for us. I think we’ll probably have some news on that by Easter, I hope.
“But so far, so good. We’ve got a meeting with Microsoft this week I believe with one of the companies to touch base with it. So hopefully, we’ll know more soon enough”
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD launched for PlayStation Network on December 27. It is also in development for PlayStation Vita. Just Add Water is also working on high-definition remakes of Abe’s Oddysee and Munch’s Oddysee, both confirmed for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita.