Yesterday, Yakuza Studio boss Toshihiro Nagoshi said Yakuza 5 would take be set in two cities: Kamurocho and another, undecided city. Now, Sega is giving consumers a chance to voice their opinion. ‘Which new city do you want to see in Yakuza 5?,’ they’re asking in a new survey.
To cast your vote, head here and fill out the survey according to our guide:
City: Sapporo, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka.
E-Mail Address: email@email.com.
Residence: select anything (this can be left blank).
Birthday: enter in yearmonthday format (no spaces) (this can be left blank).
Gender: Male, Female (this can be left blank).
Why you chose this city?: (this can be left blank).
Yakuza 5 City Vote [Sega]