Namco Bandai shared the Toyko Game Show trailer and a new set of screenshots for Soulcalibur V. The trailer highlights the game’s currently known cast of fighters, as well as two new fighters: Viola and Astaroth.
Viola doesn’t remember her real name or where she’s from, but she’s travelling to Z.W.E.I. for now. She’s 24 years-old, 5 foot 3 inches tall, and weighs 108 pounds. Her weapon is called the Quattuor Orbis. Her fighting style is called Ars planetarum.
Azr Ss Trzaous, or Azaroth, is a new breed of human-like being created by the High Priest Kunpaetku. Since he’s newly-created, he’s technically less than a year old. He’s 7 foot 2 inches tall and weighs 403 pounds. His weapon, a giant axe, is called Kulutues. His fighting style is called Gyulkus.
Watch the trailer here.
Check out a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
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