Uncharted Vita gameplay is Golden

Sony gave a live demonstration of Uncharted: Golden Abyss at their E3 2011 conference. Sony Bend demonstrated the game, which utilizes many of Vita’s unique control features.
The gameplay is impressive and intuitive. Vita’s touch screen allows players to easily traverse the game world, making climbing and scaling terrain literally just a drag of the finger. Dragging your finger over the terrain will cause Drake to follow the path you have laid out for him, so he does the work for you. Tapping enemies on-screen causes Drake to fire his weapon at them, or execute a stealth kill if the player is in position. Melee combat is also tweaked for touch controls. During fist fights, the game may prompt you to touch the screen, or drag your finger in a certain gesture to execute a powerful array of fighting moves.
The game also uses SIXAXIS. While scaling the sides of terrain you may tilt the system to cause Drake to lean in the direction you are tilting. Once tilted, you may press the screen with your finger to order Drake to jump in that direction. PlayStation Vita allows the game to played with ease, and little to no effort.
Of course, if you would prefer to play the game with dual analogs and buttons, there is no need to switch control schemes. Both schemes can be used at the same time.
Check out the gameplay video below.