Namco Bandai has announced its lineup of titles for next week’s Japan Expo. The Japanese publisher is bringing a dose of Dragon Ball, Tales, and Tekken to the Paris show, which takes place from June 30 to July 3.
Spike producer Hiroyuki Kaneko will reveal the “first images” of Dragon Ball Game Project Age 2011, according to the press release. This bit is confusing, as a trailer and first set of images have already released.
Tales series producer Hideo Baba will be on hand to “deliver the latest news on the series with details on European activities for all the fans,” specifically regarding Tales of the Abyss 3DS and Tales of Graces F.
Tekken creator Katsuhiro Harada will reveal new stills of the upcoming movie Tekken: Blood Vengeance, which will be bundled with Tekken: Tag Tournament HD in the PlayStation 3-exclusive Tekken: Hybrid pack.
CyberConnect 2 boss Hiroshi Matsuyama will “announce news about the Naruto series,” which we assume is the leaked Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation from this weekend.
Finally, Namco Bandai promised “lots more surprises during the event.”
Stay tuned.