EA‘s released a set of eighteen huge new Battlefield 3 images today, showcasing the game’s amazing visuals, storyboard work, destructible buildings, lighting development and much more.
There’s so much detail to the new images that EA actually had to provide us with a guide to understand it all. See that below.
Composite showing a number of frames of animation of a soldier sliding into cover in a couple of ways. The ANT tech lets us blend any number of animations seamlessly.AudioEngineering
A view of what audio engineer Stefan Strandberg’s desktop might look like when working with audio in Frostbite 2. The large schematic shows a view of how a model’s (in this case, one of our tanks) sound is processed based on everything that can happen at any one time in the game.FB_Lighting_01-03
Frostbite 2 lets us use features such as dynamic radiosity, dynamic shadows, and deferred lighting on a big scale. Included are some examples of an environment where you can see just the lighting information (1), the actual light probes that control how light affects dynamic objects (2 – one of these probes contain more lighting information than an entire level from BFBC2), and the finished environment they way a player would see it (3).NotBuilttoLast
As you know, destruction will be a major part of Battlefield 3, both on a micro and and large scale. You saw the earthquake, and the hotel getting RPG’d at the end of Patrick Bach’s playthrough. One of the new destruction features we bring to Battlefield 3 are crumbling facades, as you can see in this 4-pic sequence from one of our levels (this destruction will be a feature both in SP and MP).(Battlefield Timeline)
In the pack Lars Gustafsson sent you on the USB drive, you should have a graphic display of the history of the entire BF franchise. Feel free to use it in your magazine.Storyboard_01-03
Our concept artist Mattias Hägglund painted storyboards for our missions to set the emotional target for Battlefield 3. These sketches show three soldiers arriving at a scene, one of them being shot and dragged to safety by his buddy. The soldier in pic two is not happy about being shot.Briefing
The briefing scene from the single player mission we demoed.Alley
This alley showcases our Frostbite 2 lighting nicely (and is the same alley portrayed in screens “Lighting 1-3”).Novac
This is the hotel where the sniper in our demo used to camp, and just one example of destruction in Battlefield 3.Gogogo
The start of the big street-level firefight you saw.ForceKick
Showcasing our Frostbite 2 lighting, and the physicality of kicking doors in.StagingArea
Out of the transport and on the way to the briefing. The relatively peaceful opening of the mission later erupts into the firefight in the parking lot. This mission arch is part of our design philosophy not to build a game that feels like a never-ending guitar solo (as executive producer Patrick Bach puts it).
Battlefield 3 is out this Fall for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. Check out the new screenshots at the gallery.
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