Rumor: Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection delayed?

Uh-oh. Sony’s and Team Ico’s Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection may see a big delay. Initially announced for Spring 2011, rumors around the net are now pointing to a holiday 2011 release.
A representative for K-Mart/Sears posted the following message on CheapAssGamer yesterday, in response to an assumption that the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection had been pushed back indefinitely: “Looks like this Holiday actually from my last meeting with Sony.”
The representative has over 3,000 posts on the website and 62 friends. We’ll assume that means he’s at least possibly telling the truth — less his reputation be ruined.
If true, that would more than likely mean delay for The Last Guardian (Team Ico’s next game), which is currently scheduled for the holidays. The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection was meant to be sort-of a warm-up before The Last Guardian debuted.