The latest in the Red Faction franchise, titled Armageddon, has been dated today. The science-fiction title, which will build on the events of Red Faction: Guerrilla, will launch for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on May 31 in North America and on June 3 worldwide.
In Armageddon, players step into the boots of destruction expert Darius Mason, journeying from Mars’ frozen poles to its molten core as war is waged on Red Faction’s “greatest enemy yet.” The game’s “groundbreaking” GeoMod 2.0 engine boasts “total environmental destruction” — one of the series’ key features.
“Red Faction: Armageddon is an incredible new entry in this vaunted franchise, and Volition once again pushes the envelope of technology and science fiction,” said Danny Bilson, Executive Vice President, Core Games, THQ. “Come May 31, players can look forward to collapsing entire buildings on their enemies, using the world as their weapon.”
As expected, it’ll retail for $59.99.