About A Blob dated for early February

DrinkBox Studios‘ PlayStation Network platformer, Tales from Space: About a Blob, has been dated. The side-scrolling puzzle-platformer will release for PlayStation Plus subscribers on February 1 and for all PlayStation Network subscribers on February 8.
The game tells the tale of a race of alien blobs who land on an Earth-like planet and absorb everything around them. It features seventeen levels, local co-op, leaderboards, a retro-inspired art style, a monster-movie theme, and a good sense of humor.
As the blob, players will absorb objects and grow bigger and bigger. Eventually, the blob will be able to absorb objects as big as cars, people, and buildings. Other than eat everything in its path, the blob can also jump, slam, and run. Blobs aren’t limited to these abilities, however, as they’ll learn more as they progress.
A demo will be released alongside the game. Look out for it early next month.
About A Blob Hits PlayStation Plus February 1st, PSN February 8th [PlayStation.Blog]