THQ Core Games VP, Danny Bilson, has revealed first details on Darksiders 2 at the IGDA Leadership Forum in San Francisco last week. In the sequel, players won’t take control of the first game’s protagonist, War, but instead control a different protagonist who’s story is within the same time-frame.
“It’s a different character and takes place simultaneously to the first game’s story, because there’s only one apocalypse, and has new mechanics and features that differentiate it a lot and grow it from the first game,” said Bilson.
“You have to build on the first one; you can’t repeat it and I think that’s very important in franchise building.”
Darksiders 1 sold 1.3 million copies when it launched on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 early this year. According to Bilson, Darksiders 2 will have to do more if a third game is to be considered.
“If Darksiders 2 does 1.3 million there won’t be a third one. If it doesn’t grow, it just won’t support itself financially.”
Darksiders 2, while confirmed by THQ execs such as Bilson, has yet to receive an official announcement. Stay tuned for future updates.
Thanks, IGN.