Rune Factory Oceans: marriage, monster raising, and sea battles

Famitsu’s shared new details on Marvelous Entertainment’s upcoming PlayStation 3 and Wii farming RPG, Rune Factory Oceans. Their latest preview talks marriage, monster raising, and battles between the giant beasts of the sea.
In Rune Factory Oceans, the player is bound to a character who is both a male and female in one body. It’s a bit weird, yes, which makes marriage in this game different than marriage in any other Rune Factory title.
Depending on whether your appearance is Azel (male) or Sonia (female), you’ll find a number of candidates eligible to start a relationship with. Famitsu’s preview details a small selection:
- James – hero candidate. A trader who relies on his younger sister for support as his business is always falling. He’s not very conversive unless he’s talking to his younger sister.
- Sarah – heroine candidate. She runs a general store, however, is often seen leaving work to enjoy her day. She has many friends as she’ll get close to just about anyone.
- Electra – heronie candidate. Her family is in a financial struggle.
Moving onto monsters. Although Marvelous has yet to provide any in-depth detail on the battle system, they have revealed that you’ll not only be able to fight monsters, but befriend them, as well. Players can befriend them by brushing their fur with your comb. Players can raise and train their monsters and take them into battles against enemies.
As detailed previously, Rune Factory Oceans has players traversing the seas, lifting submerged islands and sunken ships on a giant beast named Ymir. This beast is born from a seed, planted by Sonia, and listens to the commands of that who planted the seed.
During travel, players will come across other giants lurking the ocean blue. Players can then use Ymir to battle these giants, punching, throwing boulders and performing various other attacks to knock them down — including finishers.
Rune Factory Oceans is out on February 24, 2011 in Japan. No word yet on a western release date. Screenshots of the game can be found in our gallery.
Thanks, Andriasang.