Rumor: 343 Industries crafting Halo remake?
343 Industries, Microsoft’s new studio for all things Halo, is working on a remake of 2001’s Halo: Combat Evolved, if an “industry chatter” reported in the latest issue of Games Master magazine is to be believed.
Apparently, the remake could run on the Halo: Reach engine and arrive sometime in late 2012.
November 2011 is Halo: Combat Evolved‘s tenth anniversary. If 343 is really developing a remake, I’d expect it release then.
UK Xbox head Stephen McGill seemed in favor or a remake, when asked, telling Games Mater: “I imagine it’s a good idea”.
“I think some people want to go back to older games and see them revisited and I think a lot of developers want to see that too,” he said.
What are your thoughts? Are you up for a Halo remake?
Thanks, CVG.