Jaffe gets satisfaction out of PS3 exclusivity
Twisted Metal is a PlayStation 3 exclusive game — not because director David Jaffe wants it to be, but because it’s a Sony Computer Entertainment-owned franchise. According to Jaffe, however, he wouldn’t bring the game to Xbox 360 even if he had the option. He gets satisfaction out of developing the game only for PlayStation 3.
“No, we will not be making it for the 360,” wrote Jaffe in a three–part response on Twitter. “The only thing we’d love more than getting the game out there to as many players as possible — via putting it on new systems — is to continue helping Sony differentiate their box from other boxes. We love our 360s and Wiis and iPads but TM is Sony owned and made just for PS3 users.”
In other news, one Xbox 360-owning Twisted Metal fan got himself a free PlayStation 3 today. After expressing his desire (on Twitter) to play the game when it launches in 2011, but doesn’t own a PlayStation 3 in order to do so, Jaffe called up his old boss at SCE Santa Monica Studios and hooked him up with a free console. Kudos to Jaffe and his old boss Alan Becker.
Thanks, Hot Blooded Gaming (via D’toid).