With both PlayStation Move and Xbox 360‘s Kinect available to the masses, it’s time we have a little discussion the subject.
Both controllers, while similar in the way that they get you up and moving, offer different functionality. Move, on one hand, has players utilizing its incredibly accurate tracking system with the PlayStation Eye camera, which only follows the controller. Kinect, on the other hand, tracks the player’s entire body, allowing players to use their hands, feet, head, what have you… although isn’t quite as accurate as Move.
For this Sunday’s Discussionist, we want to hear your overall thoughts on either/both controllers and their presence in gaming. How have your experiences playing Move/Kinect been? Are you beginning to prefer motion control over standard, sit-on-your-bum control? Do you think motion control could usher in a new era of gaming, or do you think its the next Virtual Boy? What’s disappointed you about the new controllers? And finally, what do you see in the future for this new hardware?
Commence discussion.