Discussionist: You don’t scare me!
It’s Sunday (albeit 2:20am), meaning that it’s time for another Discussionist feature. This week’s topic is most appropriate, what with Halloween being celebrated today and all.
While not so abundant this generation, the horror genre certainly has a great presence in gaming. Many games, however, boast their ability to frighten the player but fail to deliver upon the play-through. What are some games that truly scared your socks off? Or even, made you ‘drop a brick’ in your pants, if you catch my drift? Why did the game scare you (spoiler warnings, please)? What are your personal most highly-recommended horror games? And finally — if you dare venture so far — how would you tackle the challenge of creating a horror title? How would you make it a truly satisfying fright-fest for the player?
You know what to do, readers. Commence discussion.