Back in March, a listing on Square Enix‘s recruitment page revealed that the company was “seeking the highest level of talent” for their “new generation game engine development project.” Today, during Japan’s CESA Developer’s Conference (CEDEC), Square Enix revealed all.
It’s called “Luminous”. Square Enix’s Yoshihisa Hashimoto is the producer and technical director on the engine while Hiroshi Iwasaki is the lead programmer. The pair revealed the engine at the end of a session discussing the “G2 Engine” and “GDC Engine,” which were used in the recently released Kane & Lynch 2 and the upcoming Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
According to Hashimoto, their goal was to create “a game engine that can truly take on the world head on.” Luminous is just that. It’ll incorporate all of Eidos’ old technology in it, as well, promising to achieve both high efficiency and high quality.
A slide with a number of bullet points was shown for the engine. They include: “Visual Editing,” “Live Editing,” “Concurrent Editing,” “Automatic Build and Automatic Test,” “Online Friendly,” “Asset Management Functionality,” “Advanced Rendering,” “Task Management,” “Simple,” “Cross Platform,” “General Purpose,” “Modularity” and “Scalability.”
Hashimoto says it shouldn’t be too long before we see the engine in action. Give or take two years.
Thanks, Andriasang.