Super Stardust HD and Dead Nation developer Housemarque has revealed their next downloadable game in the pipeline. This time, rather than a PlayStation Network-exclusive, they’re developing the game for both PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE Arcade.
Outland, as it’s titled, is an action platformer due out in 2011. In IGN‘s early preview of the game, they describe it as “a cross between retro platformers like Prince of Persia or Out of This World and the color-switching of shoot ’em up Ikaruga.” Players run around a 2D environment as an acrobatic figure who can switch between both light and dark form. He’ll need to utilize this ability in order take down certain enemies or for self defense. That means that if white bullets fly at him while he’s white, he’ll be immune and can move on unharmed. In attacking enemies, he’ll need to be of the opposite color, or else they’ll be immune.
Ubisoft‘s publishing. More information is likely to come soon. The game will be on the showfloor at PAX which starts tomorrow and runs thourhg September 6.