While we’re getting a playable Amateratsu in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, it isn’t exactly what we’d call Okami HD. Luckily, Motohide Eshiro, producer of the upcoming DS title Okamiden, has said that we shouldn’t rule out the possibility of seeing one.
“As far as a HD version goes, I understand why Okami fans would want such a graphic improvement over the original,” Eshiro told Siliconera. “I wouldn’t rule anything out. After this game comes out, if the response is good and people still want an HD Okami it will be something I definitely consider.
“For now, I hope Okami fans and fans who want Okami HD will try out Okamiden and enjoy it for what it is, a portable Okami experience. Then maybe later down the line we can talk about something HD.”
Sounds like if you want to play Okami on your PlayStation 3s and Xbox 360s, you’ll all have to go out and buy Okamiden. So buy it. Even if you don’t own a DS.