Front Mission Evolved is Square Enix‘s next game in the franchise, however, it’s taking a different course in gameplay rather than its usual strategy role-playing game flow. This new installment instead takes the path of a shooter, which received both nods and head shakes by fans and gamers alike.
During E3, Square Enix’s Koichi Sakamoto said that it’s “definitely a possibility” for Front Mission to return to its strategy RPG roots.
“Looking globally, we thought about what franchise could have worldwide appeal. Shooters are popular and Front Mission’s theme of war was suitable for a shooter, so we thought it was a perfect fit,” Sakomoto told Siliconera.
Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto stepped in and added:
“We purposely didn’t number this game. We are aware there are plenty of Front Mission fans out there that like simulation games. There is definitely a possibility that the series will return to a tactical game in the future. We wanted to leave that open ended. It all depends on how consumers react to this title [Front Mission Evolved].”
He also mentioned that if Front Mission Evolved sells well enough, they may opt for a Front Mission Evolved 2.