A video posted by a 360Junkies forum member may suggest that online subscriptions or paid memberships are on the way for Activision‘s popular online shooter, Call of Duty. The video apparently reveals a “membership” screen unseen before by the likes of the internet.
“I was trying to join a friend’s session on MW2 the other day and had this screen pop up,” the 360Junkies forum member wrote. “It clearly says at the top of this menu: ‘Modern Warfare 2 Membersh’, in which we can confidently assume that the last word is “Memberships”. If you’ll notice at the bottom is an option to “Add Microsoft Points”, clearly indicating that this was intended to be a menu for purchasing different levels of Membership, presumably memberships would have been offered in a variety of durations.”
The video in question can be seen below. Make what you will of it.