Hulu: PlayStation Plus only required for Hulu Plus preview period

Last week, a statement on the Hulu Plus page for those who were lucky enough to get into the preview period said that “you must be a subscriber of the PlayStation Plus network” in order to use the service. However, this week Hulu has clarified that PlayStation Plus is only required for the preview period and will not be a requirement when the service launches officially this month.
The complete statement from Hulu can be read below.
With the launch of Hulu Plus there have been many rumors started and we are trying our best to remedy the situation. Specifically to your question, the Playstation Plus service is only a requirement during the preview period.
Once the preview period ends you should be able to download the Hulu Plus app but that will still require the Hulu Plus subscription.
Right now we are limiting the number of users but Hulu Plus will be launching to the public very soon so stay tuned!
Thanks, JoyStiq.