Namco Bandai’s Tales Studio, known for their work on games like Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia, may be in trouble financially.
Recent financial reports have shown that the studio has accumulated a debt of 21 million dollars and an annual loss of one million dollars.
It looks like the developers are taking the heat, as Tales producer Makoto Yoshizumi revealed in a tweet. “Meetings and conferences, sleepiness and struggle, it was a day of live or die,” he wrote. He said that he’s going to be busy next week (now this week) and that “it’s going to be gloomy”.
Perhaps this is the reason PS3‘s Tales of Vesperia and Wii‘s Tales of Graces have yet to hit the west?
The studio is to release a new PSP title, Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X, for Japan in August. They’re planning a major announcement for the series sometime in the summer.
Thanks, Kotaku.