2K Games aren’t the only ones revealing their E3 lineup today; Square Enix is at it, too. The Japanese publisher is bringing a lot of titles to the show. These include the highly anticipated PS3 MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, PSP‘s The 3rd Birthday and Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, Eidos Montreal‘s Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Obisidan’s Dungeon Siege 3, and a new Kingdom Hearts for DS.
The full lineup can be found below.
- The 3rd Birthday (PSP)
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PS3, 360, PC)
- Dungeon Siege 3 (PS3, 360, PC)
- Final Fantasy XIV (PS3, PC)
- Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (DS)
- Front Mission Evolved (PS3, 360, PC)
- Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PS3, 360, PC)
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP)
- Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (DS)
As with 2K, we’ve already managed appointments to take a look at Square Enix’s top titles, including Deus Ex, Final Fantasy XIV, and Dungeon Siege. Stay tuned for E3 as we uncover their layers.
Note: you’ll notice Final Fantasy Versus XIII is not on the list. That’s not to say that the game doesn’t have a chance at appearing at the show. Back in 2008, Final Fantasy XIII was not on Square Enix’s press release, but it appeared at the show regardless at the Sony and Microsoft pressers.
Square Enix E3 2010 Event Site
From Fantastical Worlds and Magical Kingdoms to Seedy Underbellies and a Cyber Renaissance, the Company Delivers the Widest Variety of Games in its HistoryLOS ANGELES (June 9, 2010) – Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in North America, announced today its expansive lineup of games for the 2010 E3 Expo, taking place in Los Angeles from June 15-17. Continuing to diversify its global offerings to meet the needs of consumers worldwide, Square Enix will be showcasing the widest range of games in company history.
Headlining this year’s booth will be four of the hottest franchises in the industry from both the SQUARE ENIX and EIDOS® brands. Under SQUARE ENIX, the company delivers the highly anticipated MMORPG experience FINAL FANTASY® XIV, the next installment in the iconic franchise that has sold more than 97 million units worldwide. For handheld platforms are The 3rd Birthday™ and KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep for the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, a prequel that will unlock the secrets to the beloved franchise, as well as KINGDOM HEARTS Re:coded and FINAL FANTASY: THE 4 HEROES OF LIGHT™ for Nintendo DS™, a charming new adventure by the creators of the FINAL FANTASY III and IV remakes. Under the EIDOS brand will be IO Interactive’s KANE & LYNCH 2: DOG DAYS™, reuniting gaming’s most notorious criminals in a raw shooter that introduces a new visual experience inspired by documentary film. Additionally, the year’s biggest surprise announcement, DEUS EX®: HUMAN REVOLUTION™, the long-awaited next installment, will be showcased for attendees anxious to get a first look at the newly imagined Cyber Renaissance world that will revolutionize the gaming experience – just as the original DEUS EX did a decade ago.
Among the games the company is highlighting at the show, downloadable titles such as LARA CROFT AND THE GUARDIAN OF LIGHT™ for PlayStation®Network and Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and The Tales of Bearsworth Manor™: Puzzling Pages™ and The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Chaotic Conflicts™ for WiiWare™ continue the pedigree of great franchises in gaming, all while staying true to the Square Enix heritage of providing the best and most immersive experiences in interactive entertainment. The booth will also feature Square Enix’s partnerships with North American developers, including FRONT MISSION EVOLVED™, being developed by Double Helix Games™, and DUNGEON SIEGE® 3, being developed by Obsidian Entertainment™ Inc.
“At this year’s E3, Square Enix is proud to showcase its extensive and diverse range of games for everyone, everywhere,” said John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix, Inc. “With our global network of studios and partnerships with developers around the world, the lineup proves that we are uniquely positioned to lead the interactive entertainment industry with a broad portfolio of market leading franchises, including properties under both SQUARE ENIX and EIDOS.”
To experience the latest offerings from Square Enix first hand, visit booth 1647 in the South Hall of the Los Angeles Convention Center.
For the latest information on Square Enix at E3, please visit
http://na.square-enix.com/events/e310/.E3 2010 Lineup
The 3rd Birthday
Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platforms: PSP system
Genre: Action RPG
ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)
Ship Date: TBDHideous creatures descend on Manhattan. Ground reports from the squad tasked with containing the pandemonium refer to these life forms as the Twisted. An investigatory team known as the CTI is formed within the year.
The Overdive system emerges as a means of opposition, but only one viable candidate exists –Aya Brea. A gift as she awakens from a lost past on this, the occasion of her third birth.
For more information on The 3rd Birthday, please visit the Square Enix E3 site at:
http://na.square-enix.com/events/e310/.DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION
Developer: Eidos Montreal
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platforms: PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system/Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft/ Windows® PC
Genre: Action RPG
ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)
Ship Date: 2011To save his life, the fundamental choice of whether or not to become augmented with cybernetics has been removed from Adam Jensen’s life. Driven by the conviction of never having a choice taken from him again and using his newfound power, his need for answers will unravel the truth behind a conspiracy rooted in the foundation of the world around him as it incites a new revolution.
The official website can be found at http://www.deusex3.com.
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platforms: PlayStation 3 system/Xbox 360/Windows PC
Genre: RPG
ESRB: Not Yet Rated
Ship Date: TBDTorn asunder, the delicate balance of power between the kingdom of Ehb’s powerful factions has fallen apart. As one of the few remaining members of the disgraced protectors of the land, the 10th Legion, it is up to you to rebuild the once great Legion and stop Ehb from falling into darkness. Joined by a group of unique companions, you will travel through the striking land of Ehb, defeating all manner of villains and beasts through a combination of heroic abilities, screen shaking magic and pure cunning.
DUNGEON SIEGE 3 seamlessly blends intuitive action gameplay, a robust RPG system featuring a large selection of abilities, an extensive multiplayer component and the depth of story Square Enix and Obsidian Entertainment are known for creating.
For more information on DUNGEON SIEGE 3, please visit the Square Enix E3 site at:
http://na.square-enix.com/events/e310/.FINAL FANTASY XIV
Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platforms: PlayStation 3 system/Windows PC
ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)
Ship Date: 2010Take up arms with adventurers from around the globe and embark on an epic journey within the unforgettable realm of Eorzea – the stage for a revolutionary new MMORPG designed to fit the lifestyles of players everywhere, from casual users to the most hardcore gamers.
The official website can be found at http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com.
Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platforms: Nintendo DS
Genre: RPG
ESRB: E10+ (Everyone 10 and older)
Ship Date: October 5, 2010FINAL FANTASY: THE 4 HEROES OF LIGHT is a beautifully rendered original adventure brought to you by the acclaimed creators of FINAL FANTASY III and IV on Nintendo DS. Master all-new combat and game systems and immerse yourself in a charming storybook setting as you take on the roles of Brandt, Jusqua, Yunita and Aire. Though at first they don’t always see eye to eye, these four Heroes of Light will embark on a journey full of joyous meetings and sad partings that will build bonds of trust and affection so strong that, in the end, they may even save the world…
The official website can be found at http://www.ff4heroes.com/.
Developer: Double Helix Games
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platforms: PlayStation 3 system/Xbox 360/Windows PC
Genre: Third-Person Shooter
ESRB: T (Teen)
Ship Date: September 14, 2010AD 2171
The tension between two global superpowers – the O.C.U. and the U.C.S. – has coalesced into a cold war. Each watches the other in taut vigilance. Towering far above the Earth’s surface, colossal structures called orbital elevators grant both parties unblinking, planet-wide surveillance. Under these simmering conditions, a new enemy emerges to ignite the flames of war and watch as the world burns.
The official website can be found at http://www.frontmissionevolved.com.
Developer: IO Interactive
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platforms: PlayStation 3 system/Xbox 360/Windows PC
Genre: Action
ESRB: M (Mature)
Ship Date: August 24, 2010Experience 48 hours of hell with two of gaming’s most notorious criminals. In KANE & LYNCH 2: DOG DAYS, Kane and Lynch face the consequences when a simple job gone wrong sets off a desperate and frantic struggle to escape the entire Shanghai underworld. Ground-breaking art direction, relentless action gameplay, and innovative multiplayer redefine the action shooter experience, and position this product as the stand-out shooter of 2010.
The official website can be found at http://www.kaneandlynch.com.
Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platforms: PSP system
Genre: Action RPG
ESRB: E 10+ (Everyone 10 and older)
Street Date: September 7, 2010Long before Sora was chosen by his Keyblade, the worlds’ safety lay in the hands of the true Keyblade Masters. Three youths – Terra, Ventus and Aqua – have been training long and hard under Master Eraqus to prove that they, too, exhibit the Mark of Mastery. But they will soon find themselves in the middle of a crisis affecting worlds far beyond their own – just as another Keyblade Master, Xehanort, goes mysteriously missing. Three friends, three destinies. Everything will link back to the beginning.
The official website can be found at http://na.square-enix.com/khbbs.
Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd./h.a.n.d. Inc.
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platforms: Nintendo DS
Genre: Action RPG
ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)
Ship Date: TBDSora’s journey in KINGDOM HEARTS II has drawn to a close, and now a new tale is set to begin.
Jiminy Cricket is looking over the journal he used to document his first adventure with Sora when he discovers a mysterious message. He didn’t write it – so how on earth did it get there? King Mickey is determined to find out, so he and his friends decide to digitize the journal and delve into its deepest secrets. Inside this “datascape” dwells a second Sora who is about to embark on a grand adventure of his very own.
For more information on KINGDOM HEARTS Re:coded, please visit the Square Enix E3 site at:
http://na.square-enix.com/events/e310/.Downloadable Titles
Developer: Crystal Dynamics
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc
Platforms: PlayStation Network for PlayStation 3 system /Xbox LIVE Arcade for Xbox 360/ /Windows PC via STEAM®
Genre: Action/Adventure
ESRB: T (Teen)
Release Date: Summer 2010LARA CROFT AND THE GUARDIAN OF LIGHT is the first ever downloadable, co-op action/adventure game featuring Lara Croft. This brand extension incorporates the hallmarks of the Tomb Raider franchise including exploration, discovery, platforming, and puzzle solving. LARA CROFT AND THE GUARDIAN OF LIGHT allows players to experience Lara Croft from an isometric viewpoint, and combines new gameplay features such as character progression, fun fast-paced combat, and elements of cooperation and competition. LARA CROFT AND THE GUARDIAN OF LIGHT will be available to download this summer.
The official website can be found at http://www.laracroftandtheguardianoflight.com/.
The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Chaotic Conflicts
Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platform: Wii
Service: WiiWare
Genre: Action Puzzle
ESRB: E (Everyone)
Release: June 21, 2010Turn the tide of frantic battles by using the Wii Remote™ to throw animated paper bears into the pages of an unusual picture book. The battle-oriented Chaotic Conflicts will be releasing simultaneously with Puzzling Pages – a parallel game with its own unique tale and stages. Complete both games to uncover an even deeper mystery…
The official website can be found at http://na.square-enix.com/bearsworth/.
The Tales of Bearsworth Manor: Puzzling Pages
Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Square Enix, Inc.
Platform: Wii
Service: WiiWare
Genre: Action Puzzle
ESRB: E (Everyone)
Release: June 21, 2010A crumbling mansion is home to a most peculiar picture book. Solve innovative puzzles by using the Wii Remote to throw animated paper bears into the picture book’s unusual pages. Delve into the unfolding drama of Pina, the mysterious young girl residing in the mansion.
The official website can be found at http://na.square-enix.com/bearsworth/.