Ninja Theory‘s upcoming adventure title Enslaved: Odyssey to the West bears some similarity to Naughty Dog‘s game of the year Uncharted 2. The game features beautiful visuals mixed with cinematics, visceral combat, and platforming similar to that done by Nathan Drake.
However, Uncharted 2 came too late into development for Ninja Theory to draw any sort of inspiration.
“We were working on the game for two years and then Uncharted came out, so it’s not like we could make a massive course direction based on what Uncharted was doing,” Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades boss told CVG.
“I think it’s one of those things where if you’re trying to make a cinematic action adventure you end up coming up with similar kinds of themes.”
He added: “We started by looking at everything we did right in Heavenly Sword and what we wanted to improve upon. The art style was influenced by a lot of things that we grew up with; Miyazaki movies, comic books… things that have a very colorful art style.”
“Heavenly Sword was all pure combat so we wanted to make a more rounded experience with clambering and stuff. Clambering for example was inspired by Tarzan cartoons.”
Enslaved sounds like it’s a game to keep your eye on. We’ll check it out at E3 and give you the real skinny ourselves.