Uncharted 2 PSN avatars arrive tomorrow

See this? This is what should not be happening. We’re getting excited over avatars. Why? Because the last set of avatars to arrive were the Heavy Rain additions in February. Before that were the LittleBigPlanet avatars, and before that, nothing.
We should be receiving a constant avatar flow – possibly some of third-party titles, too – but unfortunately, we’re not.
Tomorrow, Naughty Dog will release a set of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves avatars on the PlayStation Store. The developer’s just received word that Sony’s approved them today.
The avatars include Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher, Victor Sullivan, Chloe Frazer, Jeff, Tenzin, Karl Schafer, Zoran Lazarevic, Harry Flynn, and an image of the Phurba dagger. Each will go for $0.49 or you can purchase two bundles of five for $1.49 each.
UNCHARTED 2 PSN Avatars – Tuesday, May 25 [Naughty Dog]