The latest issue of Famitsu has announced a new game titled El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron. Ignition Entertainment is publishing.
As for a bit of religious background, El Shaddai, which roughly translates to God Almighty, is one of the seven Old Testament names for God. The Metatron was a very powerful angel that God suggested travel with Moses to the promised land – that is until Moses begged for God himself to travel with him instead.
El Shaddai is a completely new action game from Ignition Entertainment centered around people and angels. Players control Enoc, an angel chosen by the gods, and are accompanied by red-eyed angel named Lucifer.
Enemies have dynamic health instead of life bars.You’ll be able to tell how far into killing them you’ve progressed by the visual break down of their armor. Players can use various combo attacks to take down their enemies using simple actions with only a few buttons.
The game is being designed by Sawaki Takeyasu, known for his design work for both Okami and Devil May Cry. Designs promise to be beautiful and have height.
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is currently sixty percent complete and scheduled to hit Japan sometime this year.

Thanks, Andriasang.