Sony Anteing Big Exclusivity Deal for E3?

According to “a source close to the gaming community”, Sony Computer Entertainment America has an announcement for E3 the scale of “when Sony announced Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas‘ timed exclusivity”.
“For this year’s E3 I’ve got just one hint,” the source told PSInsider. “Do you remember the E3 where Sony anounced they have GTA: San Andreas as a time-exclusive deal? Expect huge bombs at this E3. I used GTA as an EXAMPLE – it does not mean Sony will anounce anything from R* !! I just meant what they announce will be as huge as the gta deal – you get it right?”
While the grammar and misspellings in the supposed tip is susceptible to disbelief, we can’t help but conjure up a little bit of excitement.
Well, you know how it goes. I guess we’ll only really find out when E3 comes around.