Lionhead to reveal final big feature for Fable III at E3

Lionhead bossman Peter Molyneux has said that the third and final big feature for Fable III will be revealed at E3 2010. The first two were the game’s touch system and the journey to being a king.
“Touch is definitely one of them,” Molyneux told EuroGamer.”The emotion of Touch, having these expressions, is definitely one. The Ruling section, the journey to rule and being king, that’s the second one. I’ve yet to do the third one.”
“But not to give anything away, there’s lots of really good stuff about co-op stuff, which is interesting. There are some nice cute things that we’re doing just prior to launch. And obviously we’ve got new things like Natal to talk about as well. So I think all of that is going to come in one big lump, probably at E3.”
E3’s looking sharp. We’re expecting a lot this time around.