Final Fantasy IX on PlayStation Network: “Look forward to next week!”
Square Enix has already said that they’re “looking into” releasing Final Fantasy IX on the PlayStation Store, but today brings much greater assurance that it may actually arrive.
Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto has been on the Square Enix Members Japan Twitter account recently collecting opinions. In an update earlier today, he wrote: “Thanks to everyone for your opinions on Final Fantasy IX. Regarding an Final Fantasy IX download release, everyone is so passionate about it that I’ll be proposing it at the next board meeting. Look forward to next week!”
Next week? I guess he’ll be proposing the idea pretty soon. Even if he is just proposing it, how hard is it to get a downloadable version of the PSone game on the store, anyway? I think we’ll see it sooner rather than later.
In other news, Final Fantasy Versus XIII planning director Yuuchi Kanemori also wrote on the Twitter account, saying: “Recently, I finished FF13 and am taking a breather. From here, I’ll be putting my full strength behind FF Versus XIII.”
Thanks, Andriasang.