Digital Foundry, Eurogamer’s multiplatform face-off site, has taken in the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Final Fantasy XIII and put them under all their tests. The result? Both versions look fairly good, but the PlayStation 3 version has the edge.
“So, occasionally fine, sometimes grim: a statement that effectively sums up how much of Final Fantasy XIII looks on Xbox 360 when compared to the PlayStation 3 game,” Digital Foundry wrote in their comparison summary, “meaning that if you own both consoles, there really is only one choice when it comes to the purchasing decision.
“But bearing in mind that Oli Welsh’s Eurogamer review is based on the superior PS3 build, commentary for those who only own an Xbox 360 is probably worthwhile. In this respect, Final Fantasy XIII is clearly still a worthwhile experience, despite the resolution drop and the frequently awful cut-scene quality. In terms of basic content, story, and core functionality, it’s all there.”
Here’s just one of the shots:
The full, three-page comparison can be read at the link.
Face Off: Final Fantasy XIII [Digital Foundry]