Ben Jones, Designer at Zipper Interactive, has expressed his side on the Xbox LIVE versus PlayStation Network debate. According to him, Xbox LIVE feels “more juvenile” than PlayStation Network, which suits MAG greatly.
“I actually consider Xbox Live the more juvenile of the two,” Jones told GamerZines, blaming “the things that are being said over Xbox Live” as one of the reasons.
“Each service has its own posse,” said Jones, “I think the PlayStation audience definitely fits more to our game.
“As we saw in the beta we’ve got an audience that’s willing to communicate and willing to organise and structure, and help other people to play the game. That’s the most remarkable thing that I saw in the beta – random people helping other players along to try and familiarise themselves with this really cool experience.”
Perhaps Sony should start bundling a headset with new PlayStation 3s, then?
Just a suggestion.
MAG is a 256-player massively-multiplayer online shooter and launches exclusively for PlayStation 3 on January 29, 2010.