Yahoo!: PS3 is “all fun and games until the battery dies”
This may be the most ridiculous thing you’ll read all year. A new article from Yahoo! Finance titled “A Grinch’s Gift Guide” claims that the PlayStation 3 shouldn’t be purchased as a Christmas gift simply because the controllers do not have replaceable batteries, and that when the controller dies you’ll have to blow $55 USD on another.
Oh yeah. That’s terrible.
“It’s all fun and games until the battery dies.” Yahoo author Anne Kadet wrote. “Unlike its competitors, which use replaceable AA batteries, the PS3’s remote control is glued shut. When the battery goes, Sony customers have to blow $55 on a new controller.”
Incredibly true, Anne. I don’t think I would’ve purchased a PS3 had I known this. Although it has been three years since I purchased my system and my controller still seems to work just fine. Plus, adding up the money I would’ve spent on AA batteries within three years time would equal to well over $55.
She continues: “Sony says there’s an “environmental benefit” since gamers don’t have to toss their batteries on a regular basis, but Isidor Buchmann, president of battery-equipment maker Cadex Electronics, says captive batteries are becoming common because it’s cheaper for companies to eliminate the battery housing and hatch.”
Beautiful, isn’t it?