New PS3 ads realize your secret fantasies
While Sony’s ads haven’t been the most attractive in the past, that’s recently changed with their newest “It only does everything” campaign. Looks like the newest in that campaign is a set of posters, created by Mexican Ad Agency Diagonal. These new set of posters show the fantasies of gamers coming to reality thanks to the power of PlayStation 3.
Let’s take a look at what Diagonal cooked up.
Ah. Kratos. Annoying in-laws. God of War III. ‘Nuff said.
That’s Resistance for you. Looks like this one is for the sci-fi/conspiracy theory fan.
I know that’s not a direct shot from thriller, but the clothes that man is wearing is really similar to those of Chuck Greene in Dead Rising 2. Everyone loves zombies, though, so it doesn’t really make a difference.
Finally, there’s this, which may not appeal too much to the girl gamer, but very much to the male gamer. The screen at the bottom is from Uncharted 2. The top chat box is very unfamiliar, though. We haven’t seen that on PS3. Perhaps an upcoming feature?
Thanks, PS3Maven.